Introducing Mrs Walker
We are delighted to welcome Mrs Charlie Walker to the Prep School. Mrs Walker...
Cricket is Back
This week, boys of all ages have been busy honing their cricket skills. From...
All things Greek
Our Y3 boys enjoyed an authentic taste of Greece this week as they headed...
Backing Captain Tom 100 with the Help of his Grandson Benjie
Bedford School is to become the first secondary school in the country to pledge...
Bedford School Rowing – By John Jenner (49-54)
I joined the school in September 1949 and started rowing in the following January at...
Head Master’s Final Assembly
Welcome, boys, to the final assembly for one of the most extraordinary terms in...
Movember Fundraising Recognition
We were thrilled this week when the MoBros of 2020 received a special recognition...
Pulling Together for the End of Term
Spring showers may have rained down by on the boys as they wrapped up...
Magical Imaginations in DT
Our Y3 and Y4 boys have been busy honing their creative skills in DT...