Accomplished Debating
Eben Clarke, Oliver Smart (Y6), Hugo O'Boyle and Major Grewal (Y5), from the school's...
Science Quiz Success
Sacha Ryan (Y5), Eben Clarke (Y6), Zachary Caldy (Y5) and Isaac Dailey (Y6) performed...
Entrepreneurial Success for Sebastian
We are delighted to be able to shine a light this week on the...
Hungry Boys’ Club
Our Y7 boys have enjoyed cooking up a storm this term at Hungry Boys’...
Record Number Compete in Computer Challenge
The last two weeks have seen just shy of 700 boys from as young...
Movember Comes to the Prep School
Movember came to the Prep School on Wednesday when five former Prep pupils, all...
Pilgrims and Bedford Prep Tennis Fun
We were delighted to welcome pupils from Pilgrims Pre Prep School and their families...
Widening our Music Provision
Music has and does play a huge part in Bedford School life, both in...
Act of Remembrance
Armistice Assembly is one of the few times that the whole school community comes...