Table Tennis Anyone?
Playtime just got even better thanks to two new outdoor table tennis tables in the...
Inspiring Poetry
Boys in Y3 and Y4 enjoyed a visit from the award-winning poet, Joshua Seigal,...
Hockey v The Dragon
The Prep School’s hockey fixture against The Dragon on Wednesday 20 January 2016 saw some great...
Bedfordia Cross Country
Our Y6, Y7 and Y8 teams braved the bitter cold to compete in the Bedfordia...
National IAPS Badminton Champions
Bedford Prep were crowned National Badminton Champions at the IAPS Finals at Great Walstead School...
Head Master’s e-bulletin – December 2015
Dear Parents This has been an extraordinary term by any school’s standards and I hope...
Blame Culture
It was interesting to watch the aftermath of the England Rugby World Cup campaign. ...
45 intrepid Y3 and Y4 carollers braved the icy winter winds and ventured out into...
Gothic Night
Y8 enjoyed a wonderful Gothic Night on Thursday 5 November.  Creepy tours and spooky tales in...