Golf Squad Pull Together
Eight boys from the school golf squad recently took part in a 54-hole World...
Developing the Next Generation of Cyber Professionals
There were celebrations in our Computer Science department this week, after a team of...
Shakespeare Slam Finals 2023
“All the world’s a stage” Friday 3 March saw our school finals of the national...
Superb Sporting Endeavours
We are delighted to share the recent sporting successes of two of our boys,...
OB Careers Convention Sparks Potential
This year’s OB Careers Convention coincided with National Careers Week and was once again...
Superb Performances at Public Speaking Competitions
Learning to express oneself fluently and convincingly in speech is a fundamental part of...
Caleb Wins Outstanding Athlete Two Years Running
Sitting behind the polished glass doors of the trophy cabinet in the Bell Room...
Inspirational Art in Detweiler Competition
The spring term, and our Main Foyer Gallery is brimming with artwork and sculpture...
Music Fellow Inspires Pianists
On Monday 27 February, Bedford School pianists were treated to a wonderfully uplifting start...