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Cricket: 4th XI vs Oakham School

Home: Bedford Sch - School Cricket Pitch

Details: Tea in Dining Hall As your matches are now not starting until 3pm, please have a net either on astro or grass for 30 mins and then go to your pitches for a fielding warm up. Games will now be 15 overs, 3 overs max per bowler. Opposition Team: Boys-U18D

Cricket: U14B vs Oakham School

Home: Bedford Sch - Pemberley Cricket Pitch

Details: Tea in Pavilion As your matches are now not starting until 3pm, please have a net either on astro or grass for 30 mins and then go to your pitches for a fielding warm up. Games will now be 15 overs, 3 overs max per bowler. Opposition Team: Boys-U14B

Cricket: U14A vs Oakham School

Home: Bedford Sch - 2nd XI Cricket Pitch

Details: Tea in Pavilion As your matches are now not starting until 3pm, please have a net either on astro or grass for 30 mins and then go to your pitches for a fielding warm up. Games will now be 15 overs, 3 overs max per bowler. Opposition Team: Boys-U14A

Cricket: U15A vs Bedford Modern School

Home: Bedford Sch - 1st XI Cricket Pitch

Details: qualifying round for National T20 Cup Coloured clothing to be worn for the match. blue school tracksuit bottoms and blue pe shirt Opposition Team: Boys-U15A