Boys Research Snowdrop DNA at Wellcome Sanger Institute
Back in October 2023, a group of 24 boys, from across the Remove, Fifth...
Barbados Cricket Tour 2023
The start of half term saw 59 boys from across all year groups in...
Boys Take Part in Groundbreaking Student-Led Research
A group of 24 Bedford School boys from across the Remove, Fifth and Sixth...
Chapel Choir Tour to Exeter
The school's Chapel Choir has a rich, centuries-old history of performing in the Chapel...
Through the Doors of Parliament
A group of 20 Lower Sixth History and Politics students recently enjoyed a real-life...
Boarders Bowled Over
Indoor skiing, go-karting, ‘orbing’ or simply going out for pizza are just some of...
Combining Art and RE in Paris
Half term provided a great opportunity for some of our boys to enjoy school...
Boys Go ‘Behind the Scenes’ at Natural History Museum
A group of boys who regularly attend the school’s Zoology Society recently enjoyed a...
Sharing Scientific Research at the IRIS Conference
Ten Lower Sixth Formers enjoyed a day of learning about different scientific research projects,...