The newly formed entity, the Bedford School Foundation Trust (BSFT), held its first Annual General Meeting on Saturday 16th September and was well supported.

The BSFT, the fundraising charity for the school, was formed last year when the Bedford School Foundation and the Bedford School Trust merged.  It is run by volunteer Trustees and anyone donating £1,000 or more to the school is invited to become a member of the Foundation Trust.

During the AGM, the Head Master provided an update on the Estate Master Plan, the project to construct a new academic building on Burnaby Road which will house Mathematics, Economics, Business Studies and Computer Science, as well as the Entrepreneurial Hub.  The project will also allow the school to create a pastoral centre which will house new day houses for St Peter’s and St Cuthbert’s, along with the medical centre and the school counsellor. 

The overall costs for the project will be partially met through funds from the Foundation Trust and Fundraising across our school community.

As well as providing funds for the school, the new Chairman of the BSFT, Roger Marks (71-82) reported on how the Foundation Trust has been able to provide public benefit in several ways through the Quarry Theatre, the Gilbert Lloyd lectures and the Ickwell Nature reserve.  It is hoped that there will be opportunities to offer facilities in the new academic building to the wider community also.

If you would like to read the full minutes from the AGM, you can do so here.

Below are some examples of where the work of the Foundation Trust, and our generous donors, are supporting the school and the boys.

Paying it forward

Recognising Excellence in Art History

Mixing Music and Sound

Technology in Sport

The BSFT Board of Trustees is currently seeking two new Trustees to join the team, drawn from the school community, preferably with a background in either law or corporate financial management.  In addition, we are also looking for a volunteer to help with the administration of the charity.

Find Out More  Recruitment Pack

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