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5 November 2019

Inaugural BSA Cycling Event

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Inaugural BSA Cycling Event

December 08 | 09:00 - 12:30

The inaugural Bedford School Association cycling event organised by the Past Parents

Following Great Britain’s unparalleled success during the last decade in both the Olympics and Tour de France, cycling has enjoyed a resurgence in popularity across the UK.  To celebrate this and the start of the festive season, we are delighted to announce the inaugural Bedford School Association (BSA) cycling event organised by the Past Parents on Sunday 8th December. The event is intended to be a gentle ride of around 20 miles, suitable for all levels whether you’re a newcomer to the sport or a seasoned cyclist.

Heading out of the School, you'll warm up as we ride along the Embankment and Priory Marina before the gentle climb of 'Alp de Cople'. A gradual descent into Northill welcomes you, before we arrive at the Ickwell nature reserve for a well-earned refreshment of cake and a hot drink.

Enjoy the views as we return home through rural north Bedfordshire taking in the picturesque village of Old Warden and the historic airship hangers at Cardington.

Event timing

Car parking will be available in the main School car park off Burnaby road from 8.45am onwards.  We aim to start the ride at 9am.  Changing facilities are available in the School recreation centre.

Food and drink

Make sure that you have enough food and drink for the ride. Hot drinks and cake will be available at both Ickwell and the recreation centre back at School, after the event.


Depending on the number of participants we get, we may decide to split the group up into smaller groups, which will start at roughly three-minute intervals to avoid a big group going through the town centre.

The course

We will reconnoitre the route the day before and will share before the start the location of any road works or obstructions.

Course markings

There will be no route markings out on the road as it is a straightforward circular course.   However, we will provide a map at the start of the ride.  There will also be designated chaperones who will make sure that no one gets left behind and can also help in the event of a mechanical issue.

Drink station

There will not be any drink stations other than the one at Ickwell.  We suggest that you bring enough drink and food to last the event.


If possible, please bring with you a mobile phone. You will find contact phone numbers on your map in case of an emergency. The phone numbers are for use in emergencies only. Please do not call these numbers for non-emergency situations.

At the finish

The School recreation centre will be open at the finish of the ride for changing facilities and further hot drinks and food. 

Spares and repairs

Please ensure that your bike is roadworthy and that you are carrying basic tools, inner tubes and a pump to fix punctures or mechanical problems you may experience. A basic first aid kit will be available during the ride.


We are very conscious that this time of year is susceptible to icy road conditions.  We will keep a careful eye on the weather leading up to the event and will contact you the night before via text, if for some reason we have to cancel the event.

Please ensure that you have suitable clothing for the time of year.

Health and safety

Riders participate at their own risk. The School and the BSA cannot accept any liability for accidents, however, caused while participants are on the public roads.  Please read our “BSA riding etiquette” which is intended to provide some simple guidance to ensure that everyone remains safe.


To register your interest please send an email to Mrs Bev Marshall at by noon on Monday 2nd December, providing her with the names of those attending.  This will, of course, assist us with planning.  Please, can you also outline your connection with the School in the email (current parent/grandparent/OB with dates/Past Parent with boy's name and dates). 

Route Map


Bedford School
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