Although dinosaurs lived many millions of years ago, thanks to their fossilised remains we can still learn a great deal about them – and we are very fortunate to have a number of genuine fossils in school that the boys can study.

Our Y6 geographers were the latest boys to explore the fossils’ mysteries. During their fun lesson, they found out about how fossils form, discovered which dinosaurs they came from – we have bones from a Plesiosaur, an aquatic reptile, and a coelodonta antiquitatis, a woolly rhinoceros, among others. Through observation and touch, the boys could also guess which fossil was the oldest. During fossilisation, bones start to be dissolved by water seeping through the rock. Minerals in the water replace the bone, leaving a rock replica of the original bone called a fossil. So, generally, the lighter the fossil, the younger it is.

All in all, there was some great work from our dinosaur detectives.

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