Chocolate may not be the first teaching aid for a revision lesson on plate tectonics that may spring to mind, but, as our Y7 boys discovered, it makes for an enjoyable way to remember the four types of plate boundaries and their geographical features.

After creating a mark scheme for assessing their work, each boy received a Mars Bar to use to create the four types of plate boundary: destructive, collision, constructive and conservative. Miss Goodman, Head of Geography, also challenged the boys to create their boundaries in the best possible order. As they quickly figured out, you cannot create three of the boundaries until you have two pieces of the chocolate bar, making a constructive plate boundary the clear first choice!

What followed was a wonderful, somewhat squishy lesson that created Mar Bar based landscapes, including fold mountains and shield volcanoes, while caramel magma formed new lands and chocolatey earthquakes caused sticky situations. And, the best part, the boys could eat their work at the end of the lesson, if they wanted to.

It is sure to be a topic remembered by all!

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