The Bedford School Parent Partnership programme has been set up to help support parents in navigating their son’s journey through the teenage years. It will do this by allowing detailed access to the PSHE topics we cover with the boys at school and by providing tailored sign-posted guidance to websites and books, and a programme of talks and workshops for parents throughout the school year.

Mrs Whiteman, who heads up this new initiative at school explained, “The pastoral care of our boys is at its best when there is effective communication between all those involved, and with this in mind we have put together a programme to share insight, support, and information with parents, working alongside the PHSCE curriculum (Citizenship) that forms part of the boys’ learning.”

The first of these talks was held in October, when we were delighted to welcome Dr Hazel Harrison to the school to deliver the inaugural talk: ‘Surviving or Thriving? The Teenage Years’. 

Dr Harrison, a Clinical Psychologist with more than ten years’ professional experience in both the NHS and private sector, talked from experience and professional expertise about what you can do to help boys steer their way through the teenage years with confidence and success. She regularly talks to parents at schools and works with the BBC, The Premier League, National Ballet, amongst many other organisations.

Her talk was excellent, and helpful for anyone who spends time caring for teenagers. She combined current neuroscience research into the developing teenage brain with practical guidance based on Martin Seligman’s wellbeing theories, amongst others. 

One of the parents, when leaving the talk, commented, “How inspirational was Dr Hazel? She was so good. A great evening.”

Next up in the series is ‘Sex, Likes and Social Media. Talking to Teens in the Digital Age’ by The RAP Project, and will be held via Zoom on Thursday 18 November at 7pm.

Earlier in the day, the RAP Project will be working with boys as part of Citizenship Morning, before parents are invited to take part in an online event during the evening. This is a joint event with Bedford Girls’ School, designed to equip parents to talk more openly about difficult topics and comes highly recommended by schools, parents and teenagers alike. Attendance is free; please complete this short form to sign up.

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