Many thanks to Karan Gupta (10-14), Head of Strategy at KG International FZCO, and his family, for being such fantastic hosts during the Head Master’s recent visit to Dubai. Karan and his family opened their home to host an exquisite reception – welcoming the Head Master, along with local OBs and their partners. It was a truly wonderful occasion highlighting just how strong the Bedford School bond remains, regardless of geographic location.

“It was such a pleasure to meet up with Dubai-based Old Bedfordians in the Gupta’s lovely home.  As ever, stories flowed alongside the food and wine, and friendships were both renewed and made.  From back here at school, it is so heartening to know that the connections made here last a lifetime.  Thank you to all those in Dubai for their kindness and ongoing support of the school and of each other.”

Unfortunately, our local District Vice President (DVP) for Dubai, Lawrence Coward (98-08), was unable to attend due to family commitments in the UK. However, he regularly holds get-togethers for Dubai-based OBs and those visiting the area. Please contact Lawrence if you would like him to include in future communications regarding future gatherings. Our list of DVPs, along with contact details, can be found here

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