Motivation and success are what drive boys to achieve high standards in the classroom and it is critically important that we celebrate and recognise their outstanding accomplishments.

We are proud of the way in which we challenge our boys; to develop their intellectual curiosity, to ask questions, to broaden their knowledge, and to be aware of the world beyond the school. This is what helps them to develop informed opinions and independent minds.

Academic Stripes

In order to recognise academic excellence in all year groups, selected boys from Remove, Fifth and Lower Sixth Forms are awarded academic stripes at the start of the academic year. Stripes can be awarded either for coming in the top 10% of their year group, or as a result of personal recommendation from a Senior Teacher for consistent excellent academic endeavour.

Academic Colours  

The next level up from academic stripes are academic colours – the pinnacle of recognition in school – and are only awarded to Upper Sixth boys for achieving outstanding results in their end of year examinations, or from personal recommendation for academic endeavour from a Senior Teacher.

Earlier this week we were delighted to award academic colours to 17 Upper Sixth boys who excelled in their subjects in the Lower Sixth. They have marked themselves out as academic leaders, not only performing well in examinations, but they have also engaged in academic competitions, academic societies, independent research and in a breadth of academic pursuits.

It is also important to point out that academic colours come with the responsibility to continue to demonstrate high levels of academic pursuit and an expectation to share that ambition and learning with others. Although we award academic colours on two occasions in the Upper Sixth (once this term and once next), there are a number of boys who only just missed out this time. They will be strong contenders, if they can maintain the level of their academic ambition and effort this year.

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