Excitement was running high as our Prep boys took to the track and field at the Bedford Athletics Stadium on Wednesday 5 July, for their highly anticipated and much-loved annual sports day.

Always a highlight of the summer term for the boys, this event never fails to showcase their remarkable talents and sportsmanship as they compete for their Houses (with Y3 to Y6 competing in the morning and Y7 to Y8 in the afternoon). It was a joy to witness the boys’ competitive spirit and camaraderie.

As ever, the boys received tremendous support from their housemates, teachers and their ‘superfans’ (their parents!), with refreshments provided by our brilliant Prep Guild.

Congratulations to all the boys on some brilliant racing, throwing and jumping, with special mention to the boys in Harpur and Whitbread, who were crowned joint overall winners.

  • 1st – Harpur and Whitbread
  • 3rd – Bunyan and Howard
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