On Thursday 9 February the DVP for Jersey, Robin Rumboll (52-57) and his wife  Cynthia, hosted a superb gathering of OBs and their wives at their house a little way outside St Helier. Robin had gathered together a total of nine OBs and organised a very pleasant evening at which many stories were swapped and your President was horrified to see a photograph of himself in Gym kit, complete with the Bedford School stable belt, and considerable, now absent, hair on his head. I remark on the stable belt as a couple of years ago I tried to put it on and failed by a good six inches (150mm). 

Some will know that when the Channel Islands were occupied by the Germans during the war, Victoria College, Jersey, was evacuated to Bedford School. A number of discussions about this ensued, including the fact that when the ‘old’ pendant lights (see photo) of our school chapel were replaced they were given to Victoria College Chapel where they are still, and very much appreciated.

It was a very pleasant evening with a half-century spread of ages being no barrier to fascinating exchanges. My thanks to both OBs there, and especially to our DVP, for such an excellent reunion. Long may such events continue at home and abroad to bring us all together.

Professor Martin Snaith OBE (53-63)

President, Old Bedfordians Club

Find out more about the fascinating history behind the pendant lights, which were constructed by the boys (under supervision) and were completed in time for the Founders and Benefactors Service of late 1928, in the Ousel articles below. 

OUSEL 97-98OUSEL 06-07

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