Photo credit (all photos): Charlie Faulkner (Upper Sixth)

The excitement and competition were almost palpable on Tuesday 26 September when our school Houses battled it out for the much-coveted Sports Day cup.

Boys took to the track and field at the Bedford Athletics Stadium to give their all to win points for their Houses, while their teammates cheered on from the side-lines and stands. There was some commendable technical ability on display, but perhaps what was most admirable was the tenacity and sheer determination shown by all the boys competing.  

One of the best things about sports day is the real sense of community; teachers across the whole school come along to support the event, either organising the races, keeping time or cheering on the boys. Boys come into their own, not only in the events themselves, but also by looking out for and supporting their housemates. It is an electric atmosphere!

This year St Peter’s were crowned winners, followed by Bromham in second place and Paulo Pontine in third.



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