In January, we introduced a new and exciting initiative: the Global Citizen Group to help boys in Y5-Y8 understand and discuss critical issues around equality and diversity. And we are delighted to say that they jumped at the opportunity wholeheartedly, with one or more boys from each form group signing up to be a group representative for their form.   

Alfred (Y8) explained he chose to sign up as “I thought it would be fun to represent my class, and I want to know what is going on around the world.”

The group, which meets monthly for an expert talk and subsequent discussion on a different topic, has explored ‘Memories and Victims of the Holocaust’, looked into ‘LGBTQ+ History’ and, just this month, ‘Women’s History’, exploring how they can be allies and help to break biases.

Crucially, the boys also take their understanding and learning on each topic back to their tutor groups. They are not expected to be experts. Instead, they use all they have learned and discussed to start further conversations, generate more exciting ideas, and, hopefully, facilitate even greater understanding. It has been wonderful to see the group representatives sharing their knowledge and thoughts to influence their peers positively, and we are delighted to say that the boys’ response has been insightful and thoughtful. 

Talking about their roles as representatives, Ismi and Alfred from Y8 explained, “We just want to educate our class more on what’s going on around the world.” Alfred went on, “I really like giving back the presentation to my class, to make them aware as well as us – so that everyone is aware.” 

The boys have also been delighted by the response from their classmates, who have participated fully, even complimenting them on their presentations. They are also proud to be learning new skills through their role as class representatives. Alfred explained that he has gained “a sense of leadership – because you are telling people about what you have learned, and what you have learned is what can make the world a better place. Knowing that I can do that is really cool!” Ismi added, “I have learned leadership skills as I am representing the class, educating the class and talking to them about the issues.” 

“We are excited to discuss critical issues under the theme of equality and diversity with the boys, and share in their perspectives and ideas, helping them to develop the knowledge, skills and values they need to engage with the world. The Global Citizen Group is proving to be an exciting initiative in guiding our boys to understand how they can become global citizens and, crucially, that they can all make a real difference.”

Ian Silk, Headmaster

Over the coming months, boys will discuss autism awareness, mental health and World Environment Day, and are already putting forward ideas for topics they would like to explore in the future, including what is currently happening in Ukraine and understanding the Israeli and Palestine conflict.  

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