We were highly impressed by the thought-provoking exhibition put on by the Prep School’s Deep Thinkers Club on Tuesday 19 June.

The Deep Thinkers Club is a group of 16 Y8 boys who meet once a week throughout the year to discuss ideas and enjoy lectures on various topics based on a single theme. This year the theme the boys considered was ‘Monuments’. From icons of the British Empire and the human need to celebrate the achievements of others, to religious and cultural monuments from across the globe that serve as both inspiration and warning, each session explored ideas about what monuments say about the human condition and how they shape our experiences of the past and our hopes for the future.

At the end of the year, the boys produced their own unique monuments in response to the question: ‘Who would you build a monument to, and why?’ The boys had the opportunity to interpret the concept of ‘monument’ in their own way. Monuments presented included a piece of classical music in honour of ordinary, everyday lifesavers, a monologue to the first human and a model of a school in recognition of the right to education and the inspirational school girl, Malala Yousafzai.

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