On Monday, our Y6 boys joined together with their Bedford Girls’ School counterparts to explore communication skills at Bedford Prep and internet safety at Bedford Girls’ School.

During the communication workshops, the boys and girls worked collaboratively on various activities designed to improve communication through listening, questioning and teamwork. From emotional charades to ‘alien translations’ to a challenging map direction game – where unclear directions could leave you in totally the wrong location! – the pupils enjoyed working together to solve the challenges.

At Bedford Girls’ School, the focus was on staying safe online. Pupils explored common online scenarios and what they might do in those scenarios to develop positive solutions. They also participated in a ‘bystander’ session, looking at what you should do if you see something happen online that you do not like but does not directly impact you. The session ended with pupils exploring how they can be a positive force for good and adding positive messages to a graffiti wall of advice for online users on how to stay safe.

Mrs Walker, Head of Y6, told us, “It was wonderful to see the boys and girls getting to know one another once again, especially after COVID forced us apart for so long. All were clearly growing in confidence as the day progressed, working together and improving their communication skills as they solved the various challenges and took part in the activities.”

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