Members of the the Eagle Choir were very busy last week.  After a break of nearly two and a half years, they were delighted to have the opportunity to sing twice in public under the direction of their new conductor, Keith Roberts, Head of Choral Music at Bedford School.

On Thursday 2nd December they held their Christmas Concert in the Bedford School Chapel.  The concert included a beautiful selection of Christmas motets and carols in Spanish, German, Latin and English. The concert also featured a special guest appearance from the Consort Choir, comprising pupils from both Bedford School and Bedford Girls’ School, along with an organ recital from James Watson, a pupil at Bedford School.  The concert was well attended and everyone enjoyed the evening, especially the final rousing performances of ‘Jingle Bells’ by the Eagle Choir and ‘We wish you a Merry Christmas’ by the Consort Choir.

Following the concert, the choir and guests enjoyed a reception in the Music School with festive refreshments kindly provided by Bedford School.  A retiring collection raised £255 for the Eagle Choir’s chosen charity, SMART, who provide support services for Bedford’s Homeless and Rough Sleepers.

On Saturday 4th December, the Eagle Choir then performed at Bedford’s Annual Christmas Tree Festival, which is held at St Paul’s Church.  Here they took their turn to sing among other choirs, whilst visitors admired the numerous decorated trees which adorned the inside of the church.  Accompanied by Lottie Bagnall on the piano, the choir enjoyed singing a variety of traditional carols.  It was a great way to end a busy week with a church full of visitors, twinkling Christmas trees and seasonal music!

The Eagle Choir, made up of parents, past parents and staff,  are looking for new members to join them.  You can find out more about the choir and how to join here.

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