We love maths at Bedford Prep, so we always jump at the chance to celebrate Maths Week England—as do one million pupils across the country.

This week, boys of all ages have shared in the joy of maths and put their knowledge to use in a myriad of fun ways.

Boys in Y3 and Y4 quite literally rocked as they worked hard on their England Rocks 2021 challenge on TT Rockstars. The boys put extra effort into their garage, soundcheck and jamming sessions to earn coins for the school.

Boys in Y5 and Y6 enjoyed a friendly interclass competition on Doodle, with the winning class earning board games time at the end of the week. There has also been lots of extra ‘Doodling’ at home in the hopes of becoming the winning class this week. In addition, boys combined their maths skills with crime-fighting as they completed challenges to help the police solve the mystery of the spoiled party bags. And, as if that was not enough, they also had plenty of fun competing in the Maths World Cup with shark attacks mixed in with solving calculations!

Boys in Y7 and Y8 have also been competing in their classes to claim the top spot – this time on Manga High. It is neck and neck at the moment, so it is sure to be an exciting finish!

A number of Y8 boys enjoyed a live webinar with Vicky Neale from Oxford University. They experimented with drawing curves using straight lines and how changing specific parameters could alter the curve produced. It was excellent to see boys making predictions and discovering different curves. Boys also expanded their mathematical vocabulary to include parabolas, cardioids and nephroids, to name just a few, and looked at how curve patterns appear in design and architecture. Next up, the boys are looking forward to taking their newly learned skills and using them to produce a curve stitch towards the end of term.

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