At Bedford Prep, we are wild about reading and look forward to celebrating World Book Day with great excitement every year. 

As always, the boys’ costumes were brilliant and imaginative. Special praise must go to the boys in Y6 who made their 101 Dalmatian costumes this year!

But World Book Day is about more than just dressing up. It is an excellent opportunity to make reading even more fun for the boys. To allow them to celebrate and share their favourite stories. To inspire others with their love of reading as they swap tales of dragons, pirates, Oompa Loompas and magical realms.

“I do believe that something very magical can happen when you read a good book.”

J.K. Rowling

In a special assembly, boys explored the idea that every book they read will teach them something—each page building their vocabulary, skills, and knowledge. That they can also venture to new worlds (real or imaginary), step back in time, and enjoy exciting adventures just by opening the covers of a book and jumping in.

As the Headmaster explained in the special assembly, ‘Reading makes you smarter.” Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Oprah Winfrey and Elon Musk—all avid readers of fact and fiction—back this fact up. ‘Read often + enjoy reading + read good books = smarter, happier, more successful.’  Indeed, research shows that how much a child reads directly affects their attainment.* 

“A child who reads will be an adult who thinks”



*Data from the National Literacy Trust

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