Head Master’s Assembly: Personal Responsiblity
Are you keen on making your own decisions, or would you rather somebody else...
Head Master’s Assembly: Coping with Uncertainty
Dear boys, I am so sorry that we have had to start term with such...
Head Master’s Final Assembly
Good morning boys, and welcome to final assembly. Before I start today, just a...
Head Master’s Assembly: Motivation
Three connected stories. In 2009, just after the financial world had collapsed, and shortly after...
Head Master’s Assembly: Manners Makyth Man
There was a small moment last week that has stuck with me. I walked...
Head Master’s Assembly: Letters
Over half-term, I read a book called Written in History, by one of my...
Head Master’s Assembly: Heroism Worn Lightly
The most exciting piece of news in the last few days has been the...
Head Master’s Assembly: Remembrance
Epidauros, as you probably know, is the site of one of the best preserved...
Head Master’s Assembly: World Peace Day
A couple of years ago, I visited Jerusalem for the first time. It is...