Our Y4 boys have been taking the lead in their learning through their exciting topic, ‘Becoming Bedford’, this term.

“We have provided them with the skills, and now they are flying with it – and loving it.”

Mr Powell, Head of Y4

To start them on their topic quest, the boys enjoyed a fantastic map workshop with Miss Goodman, Head of Geography. The fun activity saw the boys, in pairs, following compass directions – which relied on trust and accuracy as one boy in each pair was blindfolded! However, we are pleased to say that the boys were highly accurate and directed each other to create shapes using the compass directions (and avoid puddles!). The boys then used their new-found map skills to locate key areas of the town’s industry, geography and culture before planning their routes to see as many of these as possible during a learning walk later that week.

Y4 boys then dived into the town’s archives in a fun and fascinating learning session with Natasha from the Bedfordshire Archives (who has an almost encyclopaedic knowledge of Bedford!), exploring how geography, history, industry and trade have combined to help shape the town. The boys were also delighted to see so many familiar places from their daily lives brought to life through maps and photos.

Head of Y4, Mr Powell, commented, “We are delighted that ‘Becoming Bedford’ is proving a topic that is opening the boys’ eyes to Bedford, firing their interest and one that they feel genuinely connected with as it relates to their daily lives and families’ histories. It is also exciting to see boys engaging with skills-based learning – they are choosing how to further their knowledge and the areas of interest to research and develop.”

Next week, the boys will be presenting their chosen research projects – and they have free rein on how to present their findings to a ‘Dragon’s Den’ style panel in a wonderful finale to this project – we are expecting colourful and exciting presentations, 3D models, performances and more.

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