Developing an idea and taking the necessary steps to turn that idea into a reality is a core entrepreneurial skill, which we not only nurture, but place great emphasis on when developing boys’ competencies.   

With a natural desire to support their peers, our boys have used their entrepreneurial skills to enhance the wide variety of clubs and societies on offer and, in recent months, we have been delighted to see an increase in the number of boy-led academic societies, in particular.

Examples include The Pythagoreans Society, led by Upper Sixth Mathematician, Charlie Dowrick. Earlier this term, Charlie delivered a lecture to boys, as well as girls from Bedford Girls’ School, which tackled the though-provoking notion ‘When Maths Goes Wrong’.

Lower Sixth Formers Joseph Maravala and Shaun Thomas delivered a talk titled ‘An introduction to Law’ during a Law Society gathering, which looked at the way in which rules and structures of law influence the relationship between law and society.

Classical Society has proved more popular than ever, and boys from all year groups recently joined a debate about Greek Gods and mythology after Lower Sixth Former Charlie Lawrence presented Hesiod’s Theogony.

Set up by a group of boys, the Theology and Philosophy Society got boys thinking when they recently investigated Philosophical Logic. Not only were they were given the opportunity to have a go at logic but also to learn about its role in philosophy.

These societies help make up an already extensive range of clubs and societies, which we strongly encourage boys to participate in. When they go that one step further and show leadership and teamwork to develop their own ideas into reality, these societies are shown to be all the more extraordinary.

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