In preparation for GCSE Latin, Fourth Form boys enjoyed a Latin lesson earlier this week delivered by, arguably, the closest you can get to a real-life Roman Warrior – none other than best-selling classical author, Ben Kane, best known for The Forgotten Legion, Spartacus and Hannibal book series.

Ben taught the boys about Roman entertainment in preparation for the cultural component of GCSE Latin, donned in typical Roman attire, a wool tunic, cingulum militare (a protective leather belt with metal studs) and even complete with an ornate puigo (dagger) worn on his hip.

Boys learned how violence and humiliation were key features of large-scale spectator events in the arena (a word deriving from the Latin word ‘harena’, meaning sand, which was used to soak up the blood from gladiatorial contests). Ben also engaged the boys with lively accounts of what life would have been like for ancient chariot drivers – the celebrities of their day – in the Circus Maximus and the extreme risk of injury they endured each time they represented one of the four fiercely partisan racing crews.

Boys asked excellent questions about the various types of gladiators, the Romans’ cruel attitude towards the treatment of exotic animals from across the empire, and even ancient betting customs.

Mr Alistair Melvill, Teacher of Classics said, “This was a great opportunity for the boys to enrich their learning by hearing from such an expert in his field. Ben spoke with great knowledge and passion on the topic, delivering an enthralling, quite shocking and thoroughly enjoyable talk.”

If you would like to learn more from Ben and the books he has written, you can view his website here

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