It has been a very busy month for our Upper School Mo Bros, but we are delighted to say they took time out to give an assembly in the Prep School this week.

Upper Sixth Mo Bros, Ben Plumley, Will Trobe, Freddie Drake-Lee, Aiden Ainsworth-Cave and Thomas Jenkins explained the work the charity Movember, which has now been running for 20 years, carries out. They told the boys about many activities and successes Bedford School’s Mo Bros have undertaken and achieved, including winning multiple awards and their incredible fundraising efforts. Since 2010, when Bedford School got on board, the MoBros have raised over £150,000 in support of the men’s health charity.

Read about this year’s Bedford School Movember campaign here.

Notably, the boys spoke to boys about taking care of their mental health and how important it is to talk about how you feel whether that be to their parents, friends or teachers. To remember that you are never alone, and talking about problems always helps.

They also thanked the boys for all their support and praised the brilliant moustaches that the boys and their teachers donned for Moustache Day. 

A Q&A session followed, in which the boys passed on invaluable insights and advice about their transition from the Prep School to the Upper School and the many opportunities on offer, which they encouraged boys to make the most of when they move up. The assembly wrapped up with a fun ‘best MoBro moustache’ vote.

This year’s Movember cohort has raised just over £11,500 (at the time of writing) and is currently sitting at the top of the school’s leaderboard. The boys launched their now legendary Bedford School Movember Film on the last day of the month, hoping this total will go up further. If you would like to support them, please visit their fundraising page.

The Film

Our Prep teachers have also been supporting the cause, as they do each year, by cultivating an array of magnificent moustaches. Mr Dennis, however, went the extra mile, or we should say at least 5k a day further, by taking part in the school’s ‘Move It’ physical challenge for Movember. So far, he has run 180.9 km to support Movember and help raise funds. If you would like to support his efforts, please click here.

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