Our Y4 boys dived into their topic for the term: ‘Becoming Bedford’ – exploring Bedford’s significance throughout history and looking at how the town has changed over time.

On Thursday, the boys’ studies took them on an exciting, if somewhat chilly, learning walk around the town. They enjoyed a fun morning exploring Bedford’s history and culture through many of the town’s statues and sculptures and uncovering the many clues to the town’s industrial past hidden in building architecture and design features.

The walk opened the boys’ eyes to many aspects of Bedford they had never before noticed, allowing them to see their town in a new light.

In the weeks ahead, the boys will further research chosen personal areas of interest, many of which they identified during their learning walk, as well as add to their knowledge and skills as they learn and gather even more information about Bedford.

Boys engage with skills-based learning throughout the topic – they choose how to further their knowledge and the areas of interest to them to research and develop. We simply provide them with the skills, and they fly with it – and love it.

At the end of the topic, the boys will give collaborative presentations to Bedford Council on how to persuade people to move to Bedford. In an exciting finale, to wrap up the topic, boys will pitch their presentations to a select Dragon’s Den-style panel. 

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