It was clear blue skies for our Y4 boys’ eagerly awaited trip to Whipsnade Zoo on Wednesday 21 June. 

Always a highlight of the summer term, the trip offered the boys a marvellous opportunity to study various animals, habitats and adaptations. Whilst delighting in seeing animals up close, a particular highlight for the boys and Miss Oakley was the new resident aardvark; the boys also used the knowledge gained from their studies to discuss the different animals and enclosures they saw, the pros and cons of zoos and the issue of zoochosis as they went around, all areas they looked at in English last term when studying how to write persuasive debates. 

After a brilliant day enjoyed by all, it was back to school, where, over the next few weeks, the boys will be writing speeches based on the famous David Attenborough and Greta Thunberg speeches about the environment, sustainability and global warming. They will then deliver these speeches, imagining they are speaking to persuade world leaders to act. The addresses promise to be insightful and persuasive thanks to the boys’ studies and knowledge from the trip and will link together their understanding of global issues, sustainability and citizenship.

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