The Erskine May Hall was alive with the sound of music and singing on Friday 24 May as boys from across the school competed in the finals of the Prep Music Competition.

The competition, which is open to every boy in the school who plays an instrument or sings, was fiercely contested. Following auditions in lessons, the best performers took to the stage to compete in the final.

Performing in front of an audience of peers proved a wonderful experience for the musicians and singers, who enjoyed the friendly yet competitive atmosphere. It was also a highly enjoyable and positive experience for the boys who watched and supported friends and classmates from their year group as they demonstrated their talents. Our younger boys certainly found the competition very exciting.

Mr John Mower, Director of Music at Bedford Modern School, was on hand to adjudicate the competition and choose the winners. He was highly impressed by the standard, which made his job very hard!

However, we would like to congratulate every single boy who put himself forward for the competition. While not everyone can make the final, every boy gave their very best and proved wonderfully resilient and gracious.

Those that made the final took to the stage with confidence and provided their audience with a diverse range of incredible music. Special congratulations must go to Hugo Hodgson who played “beautifully” to win the senior piano cup, Brooklyn Fu who played “stunningly” to win the senior strings cup as well as Kieran Hamel-Henn on winning the senior brass cup and Jack Harte who was a very close second.

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