This week, our Y4 boys were excited to dive into their new topic for the term: The Romans and Italy, especially as pizza was involved!

During the fun, hands-on session in our Dining Hall, the boys, working with our catering team, created their own pizzas, tailoring the toppings to their taste and using them to create fun designs. And, at the end of the session, the boys got to take their pizzas home to eat.

Throughout the term, the boys will be exploring the history of the Romans as well as modern-day Italy, its culture and its diverse regions, particularly its geography, climate, topology and food.  

As the topic draws to a close, the boys will choose an area that has fascinated them to research and develop for their mini-project. The boys can then present it as they wish, whether a play, a presentation, a model or a poster – the choice is theirs, and we can’t wait to see what they come up with. 

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