After completing their internal exams, our Y8 boys were ready for some fun maths team challenges.

Stepping out of their usual classrooms and into the sun, the Y8 boys collaborated on a whole range of team challenges outdoors, enjoying higher-level problem solving, trying out different strategies and adapting their methods to attack problems from different angles.

The boys enjoyed many different activities throughout the week, from cross number challenges to a relay event. They needed to harness their Future Skills to think outside the box and alter their methods to find the solution and get it right—which was not always possible the first time. Throughout the week, the boys displayed excellent collaboration and resilience when facing more challenging maths.

One Y8 boy, speaking about the relay activity, in which you were not able to talk to half your teammates as you tried to solve the problems, told us, “It was really exciting, like an escape room. You were working as a team, but you didn’t know how the other half of your team were doing as we weren’t allowed to talk to them.” 

After half term, boys in Years 5, 6 and 7 can look forward to similar team maths activities to challenge their maths skills, teamwork and resilience – all in a fun and exciting way.

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