
Making decisions about which courses to follow in the Sixth Form is an exciting time, but comes with some important decisions that can affect the next stage of your academic life and beyond. In the absence of a Sixth Form Information Morning on the school site in autumn 2020, we produced the following Sixth Form Choices Video and subject films to help understand more about the Sixth Form options available.  While we appreciate that some elements may have changed slightly, there is still a great deal of information that will be useful to you in making your choices.

This video follows some Fifth Formers as they interviewed teachers and Upper Sixth boys about choosing Sixth Form courses.

We encourage all boys to read the following Sixth Form Courses Guide carefully with their families and to seek advice from their Tutors, Housemasters, Heads of Faculty, Subject Teachers and the Director of IB (Mr Finch).

Sixth Form Courses Guide 2022-2023

All Fifth Form boys will attend an interview with a senior member of staff in the second half of the Autumn Term to consider their subject, university and career options in more detail. There are also individual career interviews with an independent careers guidance practitioner in the first half of the Fifth Form Autumn Term.

Boys will receive more guidance about individual Sixth Form subjects in the second half of the Autumn Term – especially those subjects that are not offered at GCSE (Business, Classical Civilisation, Economics, Music Technology, Philosophy, and Politics).

Boys may also speak to the Director of IB (Mr Finch) or the Head of UCAS and Careers (Mrs Lincoln) if they require advice about subject choices. The Deputy Head (Academic) (Mr Baldock) is also always available to boys and parents who wish to discuss options.


The Faculties

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