Scottish Triumph for Callum
Callum Smyth (20-22) has been picked for the Scottish Under 20s Rugby team ahead...
U15 Football Boys Make History
While there have been successes on the pitch right across the school since the...
Sports Clubs Boost Pupils’ Wellbeing
We love sports at Bedford and always encourage boys to be active for the...
Millan’s Work Experience at Westminster
At the end of last year, Lower Sixth Former Millan Verwoert, who is studying...
Boys Represent Nigeria at Oxford MUN
Two Lower Sixth boys were thrilled to recently represent Nigeria at COP28 at the...
A Refugee Story for Y4
As part of their first week exploring their new topic, 'Becoming Bedford', our Y4...
Becoming Bedford Learning Walk for Y4
Our Y4 boys dived into their topic for the term: 'Becoming Bedford' – exploring...
Head Master’s Assembly: Cardington
The following is an extract from I never knew that about England by Christopher...
Harry’s Carol ‘O Virgo Virginum’ on BBC Radio 3
Radio listeners may well have heard Fifth Former Harry L’Estrange’s composition O Virgo Virginum...