Our Upper Sixth Biology pupils headed to the shores of Swanage for an intensive three-day Biology field trip on Thursday 20 September.

The weather was not looking promising on the journey down as they motored through the pouring rain. However, much to their delight, they arrived at Studland Beach in glorious sunshine.  Here, they learned how to sample the changes in plant life that occur across the sand dunes of this conservation area – while keeping a close eye out for adders. On the Friday, they studied the effect of wave action, based on the height and width of the local limpet population of Kimmeridge Bay.  They were also able to survey some of the rock pools – albeit while dodging the crashing waves caused by high winds. They then spent a happy half hour fossil hunting amongst the rocks before climbing to Clavell Tower to enjoy the spectacular view across the bay.

Both evenings were spent processing data and learning to use relevant statistical tests to analyse their results, as well as carrying out a fun study estimating the local woodlouse population using the mark/recapture technique.  One of the highlights of the visit was on the last morning when the course director showed them the animals that had been caught in the moth and mammal traps.

The boys worked incredibly hard on the rocky shore and in the sand dunes. Despite a little wind, the weather was kind and they were able to appreciate the beautiful scenery of the Jurassic Coast.

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