Boarders’ Classics Collaboration
Two boys from different year groups and different friendship groups came together to create...
Millan’s Work Experience at Westminster
At the end of last year, Lower Sixth Former Millan Verwoert, who is studying...
Boys Represent Nigeria at Oxford MUN
Two Lower Sixth boys were thrilled to recently represent Nigeria at COP28 at the...
Boys Research Snowdrop DNA at Wellcome Sanger Institute
Back in October 2023, a group of 24 boys, from across the Remove, Fifth...
Aiming for Elite UK Universities
As part of our school Oxbridge Programme, boys from across the school were invited...
Boys Cast Their Ballots in Mock Election
Boys and staff from across the school headed to the polls this week to...
14 Golds in UKMT Maths Challenge
The school’s top mathematicians have been celebrating after achieving 14 gold awards in this...
Boys Take Part in Groundbreaking Student-Led Research
A group of 24 Bedford School boys from across the Remove, Fifth and Sixth...
IB Boys and Girls Join for Trip to Oxford
The Theory of Knowledge (ToK) trip to Oxford has become somewhat of a rite...